

We would love to receive pictures of your dog for inclusion in these pages. Pet pictures and formal breed pictures are all welcome.
To send us your picture please follow the link 'Your dog picture' We welcome all breeds and bitsers and will happily link to your site.
This lovely picture was provided by Dakata.

Pictures of Dogs

Through these pages we hope to provide a library of fantastic dog pictures. We will credit the photographer who will retain his or her copyright. You can email your picture through this website or send prints to Pictures of Dogs, Nut Lane, Old Leake Boston PE22 9JF. We will always return your pictures, but please ensure you send them RECORDED DELIVERY to be sure of their safe return.

We need pictures. The site is new and exciting, funny pictures, breed pictures, pet pictures any picture that includes a dog or dogs -we need them all. Using this website it is easy - just click on the link 'Your dog picture' and in a couple of minutes they will be with us. If you have problems or want to send your pictures by normal email just click on the following